About the Book
The concept of Anticipation Day came to me a few years ago when I was looking forward to going to see a live concert for my favorite band for the first time in many years. Between kids, work and the general stressors of life, being able to see a live show was something I had been looking forward to since I bought the tickets months earlier. I realized that the feeling of anticipation was something I missed in my life. Most days were filled with some combination of stress, sadness, anger, worry and exhaustion. These feelings can bring even the most positive person down.
When I thought about the concept of anticipation, it made me realize that we all could use that feeling more often. Think about how you feel when you are anticipating something? Whether it’s a first date, going to see a movie, concert or your favorite comedian or going on vacation for the first time in a long time. When you are anticipating something, it leads to positive thoughts and feelings. So, I thought about how a future society could integrate that feeling into the fabric of everyday life.
Given the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, being able to live in a simulated world is not something that may be far off. If you have seen movies like The Matrix and Ready Player One, you would realize this concept has been around for a while. Could this be something future generations experience? Only time will tell. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy following the story and the different characters to see how the simulation experience impacts them in different ways.
It was a fun process to right so I hope you get the same level of enjoyment out of reading the book as I did from writing it. I appreciate you reading!